The Code
const events = [
event: "ComicCon",
city: "New York",
state: "New York",
attendance: 240000,
date: "06/01/2017",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "New York",
state: "New York",
attendance: 250000,
date: "06/01/2018",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "New York",
state: "New York",
attendance: 257000,
date: "06/01/2019",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "San Diego",
state: "California",
attendance: 130000,
date: "06/01/2017",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "San Diego",
state: "California",
attendance: 140000,
date: "06/01/2018",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "San Diego",
state: "California",
attendance: 150000,
date: "06/01/2019",
event: "HeroesCon",
city: "Charlotte",
state: "North Carolina",
attendance: 40000,
date: "06/01/2017",
event: "HeroesCon",
city: "Charlotte",
state: "North Carolina",
attendance: 45000,
date: "06/01/2018",
event: "HeroesCon",
city: "Charlotte",
state: "North Carolina",
attendance: 50000,
date: "06/01/2019",
function getEvents() {
let storedEvents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('jgcevents') || '[]');
if(storedEvents == 0) {
storedEvents = events;
localStorage.setItem('jgcevents', JSON.stringify(events));
return storedEvents;
function buildDropDown() {
// get current events
let currentEvents = getEvents();
// get list of unique cities
let eventCities = =>;
let distinctCities = new Set(eventCities);
let dropdownChoices = ['All', ...distinctCities,];
const dropdownDiv = document.getElementById('city-dropdown');
const dropdownItemTemplate = document.getElementById('dropdown-template');
dropdownDiv.innerHTML = '';
// with each unique city,
dropdownChoices.forEach(choice => {
// copy the dropdown template
let dropdownItemCopy = dropdownItemTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
// change that copies text
let aTag = dropdownItemCopy.querySelector('a');
aTag.innerText = choice;
// put it in the dropdown
document.getElementById("stats-location").textContent = 'All';
function displayEvents(events) {
// find the table on page
const eventsTable = document.getElementById('events-table');
// find the template
const eventTemplate = document.getElementById('table-row-template');
// clear out table
eventsTable.innerHTML = "";
// for each event:
for (index = 0; index < events.length; index++) {
// get one event
let event = events[index];
// --clone the template
let tableRow = eventTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
// --get each property of an event
// --insert each property into the cloned template
let eventNameCell = tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="event"]')
eventNameCell.innerText = event.event;
tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="city"]').innerText =;
tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="state"]').innerText = event.state;
tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="attendance"]').innerText = event.attendance.toLocaleString();
tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="date"]').innerText = new Date(;
// --insert event data into table
function displayStats(events) {
let total = 0;
let max = 0;
let min = Infinity;
for (let index = 0; index < events.length; index++) {
let event = events[index];
total += event.attendance;
if (index > max) {
max = event.attendance;
if (index < min) {
min = event.attendance;
let average = total / events.length;
document.getElementById('total-att').innerText = total.toLocaleString();
document.getElementById('average-att').innerText = Math.round(average).toLocaleString();
document.getElementById('max-att').innerText = max.toLocaleString();
document.getElementById('min-att').innerText = min.toLocaleString();
function filterEvents(dropdownItemClicked) {
let cityName = dropdownItemClicked.innerText;
document.getElementById("stats-location").textContent = cityName;
let allEvents = getEvents();
let filteredEvents = [];
if (cityName == 'All') {
filteredEvents = allEvents;
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < allEvents.length; i++) {
let event = allEvents[i];
if ( == cityName) {
function saveEvents() {
let eventName = document.getElementById('newEvent').value;
let city = document.getElementById('newCity').value;
let stateSelect = document.getElementById('newState');
let selectedIndex = stateSelect.selectedIndex;
let selectedOption = stateSelect.options[selectedIndex];
let state = selectedOption.text;
let attendance = parseInt(document.getElementById('newAttendance').value);
let dateString = document.getElementById('newDate').value;
dateString = `${dateString} 00:00`;
let eventDate = new Date(dateString).toLocaleDateString();
let newEvent = {
event: eventName,
city: city,
state: state,
attendance: attendance,
date: eventDate,
let allEvents = getEvents();
localStorage.setItem('jgcevents', JSON.stringify(allEvents) );
let form = document.getElementById('newEventForm');
The Code is structured in 6 Functions
First a constant is declared with the name of events which contains an array of objects. These objects are various events and their details which will be displayed on the page.
This function retrieves events from the local storage. It checks if there are any stored events, and if not, it initializes the storage with the default events data. Then, it returns the events array.
The buildDropDown function is the entry point of our code, called when the HTML page loads. It gets the current events using getEvents, creates a dropdown menu with unique city names from the events, and sets the options for the dropdown. Then, it clears any previous dropdown items and iterates through the city choices to create and append dropdown items. The default location for statistics is set to 'All', and the function calls displayEvents and displayStats to show the events and stats. It sets up the dropdown menu with unique city names and initializes event and statistic display, allowing easy event filtering based on selected cities from the dropdown.
The displayStats function is responsible for calculating various statistics about the attendance, and putting them on the page. Upon receiving the 'events' array as an argument, three variable are created and named total, max, min. Then using a for loop to iterate through the event attendance stats, we use math equations and if statements to gather the sum, maximum, and minimum values. Then a new varaible is declared after the for loop which gathers the avererage using the total variable and the length of the events array as operands. Finally by changing the innerText of the html elements which will display those statistics in a table into the results of our math equations, we can diplay the statistics on screen.
The display events function is structured similiarly to the displayStats function and also uses the events array as a parameter. Its purpose is to display all the events data on the page in table format. To start, this function takes the events constant as a parameter. It then creates two constants that each have the HTML element which contains the table on which the events will be displayed and the template that will be displayed on the table. It then clears out that table to prevent the table from duplicating. Then using a for loop it iterates through the events array. Then we declare a new variable called TableRow which will create a clone of the template and using querySelector we assign a property of the events array to each cloned template row. Then by using append child on the eventsTable constant and using the results of tableRow, we can display each cloned row on the table.
The filterEvents function is a crucial part of the code, allowing users to filter events by city through a dropdown menu. Upon a user's selection of a city from the dropdown, this function retrieves the selected city's name, updates the displayed city name on the webpage, retrieves all events using the getEvents function, and filters these events based on the chosen city. If 'All' is selected, it displays all events; otherwise, it selects events that match the chosen city. Finally, it updates the webpage by calling the displayStats and displayEvents functions with the filtered events, ensuring that the statistics and event table are updated to display the user's filter choice.